Home Business Promoters Can Proceed To Maintain Minimal 40% Stake In Non-public Banks Throughout Lock-In Interval

Promoters Can Proceed To Maintain Minimal 40% Stake In Non-public Banks Throughout Lock-In Interval

Promoters Can Proceed To Maintain Minimal 40% Stake In Non-public Banks Throughout Lock-In Interval

Why RBI Favors Minimum 40% Promoter's Stake In Private Banks During Lock-In Period

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) accepted the internal group’s recommendation that no changes be made to the instructions related to the initial lock-in requirements of holding a minimum 40 per cent stake by promoters in private banks.

RBI favors continuation of the 40 per cent minimum holding for the first five years to ensure that promoters maintain their skin in the game and also to maintain credibility of the control of the promoter group till the business is properly established and stabilised.

It will also ensure that the promoter remain committed to the bank in the formative years, providing it necessary strategic direction. The RBI said that there is no need to fix any cap on the promoters’ holding in the initial five years as the existing licensing guidelines have not mandated any cap on promoter’s shareholding in the first five years as initially it may be challenging for a new bank to raise capital from external sources or investors.

So allowing them to hold higher stake will enable the promoter to infuse additional capital, as and when required, the RBI said, accepting the report.


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